We valued the addressable market at £5.7billion and recommended a potential to increase turnover threefold in three years.
Our client was a successful business operating in a rapidly expanding business-to-business market. In order to secure investment from their parent company to fully address the market opportunity, they required a highly credible market assessment.
Business growth had been progressive based on a somewhat reactive approach, tendering for major opportunities as they emerged. Without a well-qualified forward view of the market potential, growth was potentially being limited due to a lack of investment in its strategic work winning activities.
TRIMENTIS was invited to analyse the market looking at key customers, competitors and the supply chain, characterising it in terms of market size, the perceived strategies of key players together with their respective strengths and weaknesses.
TRIMENTIS established key objectives with the client and set about two distinct streams of parallel activities. Typically and unsurprisingly organisations hold vast quantities of information about their business and its markets and yet find it difficult to access and organise this information as an ongoing capability.
TRIMENTIS engaged with knowledgeable people in the company to extract as much information as possible, involving them in the process to guide and target effort. TRIMENTIS also carried out external research using public domain sources complemented by meetings with key customers and other stakeholders with particular knowledge of the market.
Market Analysis as one part of our core Strategy Formulation Process, was guided by the use of our best-practice toolset, ensuring that information was well qualified and analysed for significance, enabling primary conclusions to be confidently developed.
A well-qualified, expert assessment of the total and addressable market supported by key conclusions and recommendations were delivered gaining wide acceptance.
We valued the potential market in terms of revenues at over £11bn over a six year outlook, with the addressable market valued at £5.7bn, and recommended a potential to increase turnover threefold in three years.
The General Manager was able to authoritatively set out the business potential enabling the parent company to confidently increase their investment in the business in terms of the cost of sales.
The Market Analysis formed a sound basis for ongoing business reviews being supported by rigorously researched customer, competitor, supply chain and other key stakeholder analyses.
Until we were taken through this process, we hadn’t fully appreciated the potential for our business. This experience has instilled a new excitement in the team although I must say it is tinged with some trepidation.
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