Performance Leadership is a systematic, results oriented approach to management and leadership for high performing organisations, teams and individuals …
We help teams achieve more by working smarter not harder
TRIMENTIS has been helping to improve the strategic and operational performance of National and International organisations for nearly two decades based on our expertise in management and leadership best practice.
Performance Leaders gain the edge by developing the fundamental roles of their management and leadership teams to extremely high levels of effectiveness, basically ‘working smarter’ to create conditions for success.
In contrast, the least effective teams put most of their effort into working in the operation to help deliver tactical results; typically referred to as ‘working harder’.
The Performance Leadership System is a best-practice approach that radically increases the impact of management and leadership teams. Our system has been tried-and-tested in a wide variety of ‘blue-chip’ organisations including over £9 billion worth of major infrastructure projects. The system increases levels of transparency and accountability throughout the organisation, leading to improved efficiencies in deployment of strategic priorities, more effective operations and increased stakeholder satisfaction. Many of our clients are subject to regulatory oversight.
Oganisational Development – What is done
Management and Leadership Core Process
Performance leaders maximise their organisational capability through the rigorous use of a set of core processes.
TRIMENTIS has characterised and defined these processes by drawing on best practices and has refined them over years of practical application.
These core processes define, guide and improve everything that an organisation sets out to do.
Tier 2 …
Strategy Clarification
Clarifying strategy, commitment and motivation
Performance Management
Translating strategy into ongoing operations
Change Management
Continually building new capabilities
Systematic development is necessary at every level of an organisation to achieve maximum capability, from the entire enterprise through to any particular team, process, function, project or set of tasks. Development starts from within any of the core processes in any part of the organisation according to strategic and operational priorities. Progressively all three are addressed building an integrated, evidence-based approach to translating the organisation’s strategic priorities into ongoing operations and to driving continuous improvement to support the customer journey.
Strategy Clarification (Formulation)
Strategy clarification or formulation is a critical exercise that develops a shared clarity around a common purpose, provides an understanding of how people can contribute to its success, and motivates them towards achieving it.
Work typically starts with a Strategy Maturity Assessment of the current situation. Frequently we find that the strategic intent merely needs to be updated and re-communicated to key stakeholders.
TRIMENTIS has applied this process to highly detailed enterprise wide strategic business plans to secure investment, to group level functional team and local team and individual strategies. Appropriate tools and techniques are selected from a wide portfolio to address client needs.
The core Strategy Formulation Process is a tried and tested best practice approach that is highly prescribed and uses tools and techniques to guide each of its stages …
- Understanding past performance and customer insights
- Understanding the ‘drivers of strategy’ such as stakeholder needs, the market, competition, best practices, partners and suppliers
- Understanding current capability as strengths and weaknesses
- Clarifying strategic options considered in relation to the experiences, aims and ambitions of the team
- Finally, decision making on the strategic intent together with communication to secure the commitment of all key stakeholders
Performance Management
Performance management is an evidence-based approach to translating strategy into ongoing operations and to driving continuous improvement. The core Performance Management Process is a tried and tested best practices approach that is highly prescribed and uses tools and techniques such as the Balanced Scorecard and Opportunities and Risk Analysis to guide each of its stages.
The process is a systematic cycle of organisational development, operational implementation, performance analysis and management review. The ‘Review’ stage effectively drives the entire process and is the single most important activity that management leadership teams undertake on a regular planned basis.
To maximise its effectiveness we have formally structured this meeting as the Performance Review Meeting or PRM.The Performance Review Meeting is an evidence-based decision-making meeting run to a standard agenda that addresses the powerful Five Questions of Performance Leadership.
It cannot be overstated that the rigour and effectiveness of this meeting is at the core of organisational transformations and is the natural starting point in any exercise to radically improve performance.
Change Management
Our core Change Management Process is a tried and tested best practices approach that is highly prescribed and uses tools and techniques including rational analysis and lean six sigma techniques to guide each of its stages …
- Clarify and define the opportunity or threat to be addressed
- Establish goals, objectives and plans to meet key stakeholder needs, mobilising people and resources
- Analyse current performance using lean six sigma techniques
- Identify options and solutions with opportunity and risk analyses
- Agree solutions and design, implement and monitor effectiveness
All too often organisations embark on significant change efforts that are not integrated into an ongoing strategic and performance management framework. Long term, this results in lost benefits and wasted resources.
TRIMENTIS has considerable experience in guiding the critical changes that organisations undertake. Through our integrated Performance Leadership approach clients remain confident that their transformational efforts will continue to deliver tangible benefits.
People Development – How things are done
High Performance People Model
Performance-leading organisations develop highly capable people to lead, manage and perform to assure overall success.
It is people who bring work routines such as processes to life through professional, proactive and informed behaviours.
Performance Leadership addresses this need through the development of individual and team competencies and behaviours in tandem with organisational development.
Tier 2 …
Strategic and Systems Thinking
Concerned with clarifying the strategic context
Results and Outcomes Orientation
Concerned with the delivery of results and outcomes
Effective Relationships Building
Concerned with the relentless attention to relationships
TRIMENTIS has identified the Core Competencies characteristic of the behaviours of high achievers. These have been further developed with underlying Attributes into the High Performance People Model to enable the transfer of skills to clients through coaching and development. Coaching progressively develops personal and team performances through increasing the rigour, range and effectiveness of what people already do, exploiting best-practice tools and techniques.
High Performance People Programme
Coaching enables participants to significantly increase their personal effectiveness in leading, managing and performing in the workplace as a continuing capability, linking self-awareness with business results to create both individual and organisational transformations.
The High Performance People Programme is our flagship programme for personal development, run most powerfully in tandem with organisational development.
The programme is based on the Core Competencies and underlying Attributes within the High Performance People Model and is initiated by a 360 Survey. The survey is completed by participants and their managers, peers, team members and customers and is conducted through our automated browser based tool.
This intensive programme has been designed to address the development needs of key managers and leaders, solving the logistical problem of receiving intensive one-on-one coaching alongside a demanding day job.
Delivered as a series of one-day tutorials interspersed with periods of practical application to develop the day job, the programme exploits action learning to build positive new skills, habits and behaviours.
It is best timed to support those who are at the start of major new organisational challenges such as initiating projects, exploiting business opportunities and developing new teams.
Leadership and Key Resource Development
Today organisations seek people who are prepared to step forward and take the lead. It’s no longer a question of hierarchical authority but of personal authority. This builds from knowledge and confidence about how the management and leadership process works in practice.
The vast majority of us learn about this process through a combination of trial and error, from role models and if lucky some formal training. And yet a significant part of people’s jobs is to manage and lead something – teams, problem solving, a function and not least themselves.
It is a criticism of formal education from primary to tertiary and beyond, that whilst some techniques are taught, there is precious little preparation in terms of how they fit together as an integrated, systematic and practical whole. However, the fundamentals of management and leadership are not a mystery, not rocket science and not difficult to do, yet are rarely demonstrated in organisations today.
Almost by definition we support clients who are demonstrably highly successful through the talent of their people. The world of business didn’t start when we formulated Performance Leadership! However, we haven’t yet failed to significantly improve the performance of client managers and leaders.
The opportunity exists to selectively coach and develop leaders and other key resources in the fundamental skills of management and leadership, brought together as an integrated, systematic approach together with the development of powerful new behaviours.
The outcome … people who have the confidence, knowledge and skills to take charge.
360 Degree Survey
TRIMENTIS has developed the critical success factors of high performing people into the High Performance People Model to assist in coaching and development. The 360 Survey has been designed to elicit perceptions of behaviour in relation to the Attributes of the Model. A key purpose of the survey is to signal to colleagues that participants are starting out on a coaching programme.
The survey is based on people’s perceptions of behaviours, looking to see how effective they appear to be. It is not a detailed analytic tool nor a powerful psychometric test but is a ranging tool, showing relative levels of effectiveness.
Administration of the survey is fully automated once the participant and administrator have agreed on respondents and timescales. Our automated web-based browser tool generates emails to respondents and follow-up reminders, keeping both the participant and administrator informed about progress.
Participants remain in full control and are able to monitor progress, change deadlines, invite new respondents or even de-select people holding up progress. Respondents are able to complete the confidential survey on-line which has been kept short and to the point to encourage full participation.
Participants receive a report and personal feedback on the survey findings as part of their one-on-one coaching which helps form the basis of their ongoing programme of personal development.
Knowledge Development – How improvements are sustained
Continuous Learning and Improvement
The quality of decision-making is what sets performance leaders apart. They make the most important decisions well, and then they make them happen, quickly and consistently. The quality of decision-making is dictated by the quality of information and the options that people and teams have available to them.
This requires a comprehensive approach to business intelligence that enables value to be created from data by providing timely, reliable and relevant information for making strategic, managerial and operational decisions at all levels.
Tier 2 …
Knowing the relevant benchmarks in terms of competition and best practices, both internal and external
Knowing where you are against benchmarks
Changing the rules by exploiting ideas that radically reset conditions to your advantage
The rigour of these activities and available expertise in organisations is rarely sufficient to drive performance leadership. It is for this reason that our approach incorporates a focus on knowledge development. Read on to learn how knowledge development is addressed in order to deliver performance leadership.
Throughout our personal development we firstly study the known facts and then set about improving on what we have learnt, whether it is through formal study or simply the informal lessons of life. This is called progress.
The same principles apply to improving organisational performance although the techniques are surprisingly less commonly used. Why re-learn the lessons that others have already paid the price to learn?
Benchmarking is a structured activity in which organisations evaluate various aspects of their capabilities in relation to best practice. This then allows them to develop plans to adopt such best practice with the aim of increasing performance.
The approach is a highly rigorous, fact based exercise in which the key characteristics of your capability are analysed against the benchmark organisation.
Benchmarking is best started internally on a modest scale to develop skills and demonstrate early improvements.
External benchmarking only becomes necessary when you have already achieved a high level of performance and are seeking to move to class-leading or world-class standards of performance.
Ultimately all aspects of an organisation’s capability need to be benchmarked, including processes, culture, technology and so on.
TRIMENTIS introduces a structured process for both internal and external benchmarking involving planning, data collection, analysis and decision-making followed by implementation of improvements.
Self Assessments are complementary to performance analysis carried out routinely by organisations. Performed periodically, they allow management teams to stand back from day to day operations and critically compare their capability against best practice.
The assessment produces insights into issues and opportunities for improvement as well providing an overall index or ‘score’. They are used to stimulate a renewed energy in improvement efforts, raising the bar.
TRIMENTIS has extensive experience in the world-class standard of organisational capability described in the EFQM Excellence Model. Our trained Assessors and Senior Assessors have worked throughout Europe for the EFQM and BQF as part of their awards programmes and directly for our own clients.
We have experience in helping organisations prepare and apply for awards having lead finalists and winners in a number of National and European level quality awards.
A practical starting point for organisations is our QUALIFIER Assessment run as a facilitated one-day event. Evidence against the EFQM Excellence Model is captured interactively from participants and results in a report setting out opportunities, areas for development and an overall ‘maturity’ score as an aid to benchmarking.
We ideally assess the capability of clients at the start of assignments using our range of PITSTOP Maturity Assessment tools. These have been designed to provide evidence-based assessments on strategic context, performance management and change management, and teams are re-assessed periodically to benchmark their progress.
Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas. Ideas that improve the way we do things to enable our organisations to remain competitive.
Some ideas are small and iterative; others can create radical change to the market and ourselves. Evidence shows that those who have the awareness to continually create, evaluate and successfully exploit their new ideas are more likely to survive and prosper.
Working innovatively is a work routine focused on doing better today than we did yesterday, driven by knowledge of how well the organisation is achieving its goals in comparison to its benchmarks. Performance leaders recognise that generating and exploiting ideas is as much to do with attitude and culture as it is with systems, skills and knowledge.
TRIMENTIS builds both the expectation and the need for innovation into key activities within the core Performance Management Processes.
By way of an example, setting performance targets follows the discipline of establishing past performance, knowing the relevant benchmarks and establishing stakeholder expectations. The performance gap is then addressed through the generation of new ideas that are driven into operation – this is one form of innovation.
TRIMENTIS also supports the development of attitudes and behaviours required to value and foster innovation through personal development. The attributes of impatience and innovation are critical success factors of high performing people and teams as illustrated in our High Performance People Model.
Coaching enables participants to significantly increase their personal effectiveness in leading, managing and performing in the workplace as a continuing capability, linking self-awareness with business results to create both individual and organisational transformations.
Benefits of Performance Leadership and Return on Investment …
Benefits of Performance Leadership
The benefits that Performance Leadership brings are both deep and wide, whether implemented at organisational, team or individual level.
There are published independent studies that detail significant benefits for organisations who rigorously implement the principles of business excellence, and our case studies further demonstrate many tangible strategic, operational and cultural benefits to clients.
- Leaders better create the conditions for success by aligning the organisation to a compelling picture of the future, clarifying the priorities, providing resources and motivation and leading by example.
- Managers better enable people to be successful by routinely capturing customer insights and using data to drive a systematic approach to performance management and change management.
- Team members better support each other, increasing personal effectiveness in building positive, productive relationships.
- Individuals and teams have clearer performance expectations, understand how their efforts contribute to business success and are rewarded for delivering on their accountabilities.
In summary then, everyone throughout the organisation and beyond it benefits from increased transparency and accountability. Transparency in terms of the overall purpose and performance of the organisation. Accountability in terms of who is doing what, when, where and how.
Return on Investment
Clients invariably ask us about the Return on Investment they might expect from our work. The answer is never straightforward and yet we have never failed to exceed our clients expectations. We always aim to agree targeted goals in quantitative terms even when we are dealing with ‘soft’ issues such as people or cultural changes.
Some results are clear-cut such as our featured Client Success Story on Overhead Analysis with an ROI of over 300%, and the Large Scale Organisational Design with an ROI of ~100%. But these figures tend to significantly under estimate the overall benefits that organisations enjoy in terms of increased clarity around decision making and accountability, and the ongoing increases in the capability of their people, processes and use of technology.

How we deliver our services …
We utilise the core Change Management Process from within our Performance Leadership System to manage and lead the delivery of our services to clients.
These five-steps enable us to both exploit and demonstrate the same best-practice tools and techniques that clients will come to use as a natural part of their own transition.
- We help to clarify and define the opportunity or threat to be addressed
- We establish goals, objectives and plans to meet key stakeholder needs, mobilising the necessary people and resources
- The Team study, analyse and define the current performance and capability of the operation using lean six sigma related tools and techniques
- The Team identifies options and potential solutions each supported with full opportunities, threats and cost benefit analyses
- The Team agree a solution and then design, implement and monitor for sustained effectiveness. Finally, the outcomes are reviewed against goals and objectives with the client.
Professional and Ethical Conduct
TRIMENTIS delivers its services to clients according to the highest professional and ethical standards. Through individual membership of various professional bodies our people are committed to the highest professional standards of conduct and competence.
Find out more about how we turn Priorities into Results …
Client Success Stories

Learn how we have worked with clients to achieve significant results through our client success stories. Each client success story illustrates how we have helped define client priorities, what approach the team took and the results the client achieved … turning priorities into results.
Start using Performance Leadership

To start using performance leadership across your organisation today get in touch with us through our Contact page. TRIMENTIS has been working with clients for nearly two decades across a range of sectors and we have supported over £9 billion worth of major infrastructure projects.