Focus on core management and leadership processes to build a lean organisation …
Organisational Development focuses on core management and leadership processes to build a low-cost, high-value lean organisation. Clarifying strategic priorities to build a shared sense of vision and purpose, driving performance management to deliver on accountabilities and systematically building new capabilities through six sigma techniques, Organisational Development builds competitive advantage and supports the customer journey.
Our Services build on best practice
Learning from some of the world’s leading organisations in Europe, North America and the Far East we have developed extensive experience in management and leadership best practice. Performance leaders gain the edge by developing three fundamental roles of their management and leadership teams to extremely high levels of effectiveness. Basically they ‘work smarter’ to create conditions for success by clarifying strategic priorities, translating priorities into ongoing operations and by directing innovation and change. In contrast, the least effective teams put most of their effort into working in the operation to help deliver tactical results, typically referred to as ‘working harder’.
We have developed a systematic, results driven approach based on these best practice insights called Performance Leadership to radically increase the effectiveness of management and leadership teams.
Our Service Tiers explained
Tier 1 Services are medium to high level interventions that build systematic, integrated and collaborative capabilities across organisation and enterprise levels to establish both broad and deep strengths.
Tier 2 Services focus on the development of processes and systems, people capabilities and knowledge that sit within Tier 1 frameworks to ensure overall integration of the approaches.
Tier 3 Services involve the detailed development of best practice tools and techniques together with the skills and knowledge required to exploit the approaches at team and individual levels.

- PLS Performance Manager Programme
- PLS Strategy Formulation Programme
- PLS Change Manager (Lean Six-Sigma) Programme

- Balanced Scorecard, KPI and Target Development (Strategy Deployment)
- Business Planning
- Collaboration (Partners and Suppliers)
- Cost Reduction
- Customer Value Management
- Lean Organisation Design
- Opportunity and Risk Management
- Process Development
- Project and Programme Management

- Analysis & Reporting
- Competitor Analysis
- Market Analysis
- Performance Review
- Six Sigma Techniques
- Stakeholder Analysis
- SWOT Analysis
- Trend Analysis
Tier 1 Flagship Services
PLS Performance Manager Programme
The PLS Performance Manager Programme is the natural staring point in any exercise to implement radical, systematic and sustainable improvements to organisations; and is the most widely implemented programme from our portfolio of services.
What it does:
PLS Performance Manager structures the routine management and leadership decision-making activities that drive performance management. It also structures all the supporting activities that feed information to it and take direction from it; from strategy clarification, through performance and change management and on into the delivery of operational results.
How it does it:
PLS Performance Manager puts into place the three core processes of management and leadership as highly structured, day-to-day routines supported by best-practice tools and techniques such as priority lists, scorecards and risk management.
PLS Performance Manager represents the most important aspect of the Performance Leadership System because without rigorous management and leadership, everything else in the organisation will run sub-optimally.
PLS Performance Manager also offers the option to link teams together through a powerful web-based collaborative solution called PLSNet, sharing data and knowledge across the organisation. Key tools in the PLS Performance Manager approach such as scorecards, exceptions and action tracker, risk management and communication plans are linked together providing the capability to access up-to-date performance information from across the organisation at the click of a button.
PLS Strategy Formulation (Clarification) Programme
The PLS Strategy Formulation Programme assists leaders to create conditions for success by establishing a shared sense of purpose and vision throughout their organisation, including with key partners. The programme ensures that all stakeholders are confident to commit resources and the organisations people feel involved, motivated and clear about their contribution.
What it does:
PLS Strategy Formulation provides a systematic evidence-based method tried-and-tested over time that involves the organisations key stakeholders, leaders and subject experts in a powerful collaborative effort. The programme establishes a common approach that can be used throughout the organisation to create an alignment of purpose, driven by a focus on the needs and expectations of customers. The PLS Strategy Formulation Programme does not simply deliver a document called ‘strategy’ but an ongoing programme of challenge, change and communication.
How it does it:
PLS Strategy Formulation is delivered through a combination of structured workshops, desk research and meetings driven by the complexity and scale of client requirements. The approach uses best-practice techniques to reflect on past lessons, clarify strategic priorities and examine the challenges and pressures in the operating environment. The organisations capabilities are critically analysed along with its aims and ambitions.
The strategic intent and an implementation plan emerge from this iterative process, finally resulting in a shared strategy following a comprehensive programme of communications to ensure that everyone is clear, committed and involved; key ingredients for success.
PLS Change Manager (lean-sigma) Programme
The PLS Change Manager Programme provides the organisation with a powerful yet pragmatic approach to change, embedded into every-day routines. Whether the need is for incremental or major change, the approach ensures that the organisation develops the capability to exploit innovation properly focused on strategic and operational priorities.
What it does:
PLS Change Manager is built upon established methods such as Business Excellence, Lean and Six Sigma. Changes are directed from the performance management process to ensure that the most pressing strategic and operational priorities are addressed, resources are made available and progress is monitored, driven and acknowledged. The approach exploits the latest in best-practice techniques including fast-track, high-performance change teams to deliver tangible benefits in 90 day campaigns. Refreshingly, it overcomes the usual jargon and complexity that accompany many change efforts by focusing on the purpose, performance and delivery of change rather than just on the technical methods.
How it does it:
PLS Change Manager is a tried-and-tested best practices approach, benefiting from powerful rational analysis and lean six sigma tools and techniques to guide each of its five highly structured stages. Priorities for change emerge from strategic and operational reviews together with the allocation of people and resources. Individuals and teams are put in place to work through the problem analysis, identifying options and solutions supported by rigorous opportunity and risk analysis. Once solutions are agreed, the detailed design and implementation of change takes place, followed by rigorous monitoring to ensure that benefits remain in place long after the programme has been completed.
Tier 2 Services
Balanced Scorecard, KPI and Target Development (Strategy Deployment)
The ‘Balanced Scorecard’ is shorthand for an approach to deploying the organisations strategy throughout operational units and for the upward reporting of results and outcomes. Each operational level interprets higher level strategic intent into locally relevant and achievable goals and objectives, and reports back in a consistent and comparable format. Our Balanced Scorecard approach ensures the development of appropriate goals, objectives, indicators (KPI’s) and targets following a rigorous process of rational analysis. Our approach is even more powerful when deployed as the class-leading PLSNet Scorecard, the performance leading web-based collaborative solution.
Business and Operational Planning
So often treated as a bureaucratic exercise, business and operational planning are essential in translating strategic intent into targeted, affordable and achievable operations. This is the point at which efficiency (low cost) and effectiveness (high value) kicks off, and when treated superficially explains why so many organisations are inherently wasteful. Our approach to business and operational planning delivers a robust, pragmatic and relevant process that captures the confidence of leaders, investors and other stakeholders whilst providing relevant tools and disciplines to business and operational units who use them.
Collaboration (Partners and Suppliers)
We are experts in bringing people and organisations together in structured ways to enhance collaboration, rapidly achieving alignment of key strategic and operational priorities. Building a shared vision, mission, goals and priorities, our approach provides the foundation for mutual trust and respect based on a sound and inclusive process.
PLSNet, our collaborative web-based tool-set, underpins the ability to work more efficiently and effectively; eliminating fragmentation, duplication and distrust by the open and rapid sharing of key knowledge and information available across the organisation, anytime, anywhere.
Cost Reduction
Cost Reduction programmes analyse target areas for the greatest savings consistent with maximising or preserving operational effectiveness. In the jargon, maximise efficiency (lowest cost) consistent with maximum effectiveness (highest value produced). Our work benefits from prior experience and our independence, enabling us to get to the core of savings quickly and efficiently whilst optimising the value creating activities of the organisation.
Customer Value Management
Customer Value Management (CVM) is a structured approach that seeks to understand how customers make buying decisions in terms of the relative value they perceive from the various offerings in the market. How they make that choice is typically complex, not entirely self-evident and frequently not well understood even by the customer. CVM is all about unravelling this knowledge for competitive advantage. Our approach is based on a process of structured enquiry, developing Information to produce actionable data through econometric modelling so that strategic, tactical and service capabilities can be designed and further fine tuned to achieve maximum success.
Lean Organisation Design
Lean Organisation Design puts into place a structure that is aligned to the organisations business goals. Our approach clarifies the detailed needs of the strategy and business plan in terms of required types and numbers of competencies, taking account of the culture of the organisation and the availability of key resources. There is common sense in the saying that ‘form follows function’. Performance-leading organisations align themselves to their customers, both internal and external. We have delivered radical performance improvements for organisations simply by aligning their people and teams to better serve their customers.
Opportunity and Risk Management
Opportunity and risk management services provide a systematic approach to forecasting uncertainties that might impact your organisation in terms of probabilities of occurrence, benefits and losses. Fully integrated into day-to-day management practices, our approach enables a wide range of people with differing knowledge and perspectives to regularly and systematically re-evaluate the available evidence and quality of decisions for maximum effect.
Our approach is even more powerful when deployed as the class-leading PLSNet Opportunity and Risk Manager, our collaborative web-based tool-set.
Process Development
Organisations exist to create value for their stakeholders. Value is created as a result of linked activities that can best be described as processes. Process Development is a critical success factor in the design and ongoing management and improvement of performance leading work environments. We have learnt from some of the world’s leading authorities, and have extensive hands on senior line management and consulting experience in developing innovative, empowering, flexible, responsive, customer focused and outcomes driven work environments in which experts thrive – that’s process development.
Project and Programme Management
Project and Programme Management services implement the high level activities that create the exacting conditions for success. All too often these activities focus on the mechanisms of management, failing to instill the necessary cultural and knowledge sharing aspects also essential to success. Our approach puts into place a highly structured set of tools and techniques to bring together the necessary organisational, people and knowledge capabilities.
Our approach has supported the delivery of over £9 billion worth of civil engineering projects plus many internal change and development programmes and projects in other sectors.
Our approach is even more powerful when deployed as the class-leading PLSNet Programme Manager, our collaborative web-based tool-set.
Tier 3 Services
- Analysis & Reporting
- Competitor Analysis
- Market Analysis
- Performance Review
- Six Sigma Techniques
- Stakeholder Analysis
- SWOT Analysis
- Trend Analysis
Find out more about how we turn Priorities into Results …
Client Success Stories

Learn how we have worked with clients to achieve significant results through our client success stories. Each client success story illustrates how we have helped define client priorities, what approach the team took and the results the client achieved … turning priorities into results.
Start using Performance Leadership

To start using performance leadership across your organisation today get in touch with us through our Contact page. TRIMENTIS has been working with clients for nearly two decades across a range of sectors and we have supported over £9 billion worth of major infrastructure projects.