Operations are a process intensive area of an organisation's capabilities ...

Our Approach

These capabilities are amenable to high performance programme and project management and process development techniques focused on creating customer value. One of our most widely deployed services is in building high performance programme and project management capabilities based around a rigorous approach to performance management.

TRIMENTIS also introduces lean six sigma concepts employing the full portfolio of process development techniques, removing waste in the form of lost time, surplus handovers and unwanted interfaces to significantly improve operating performance and capacity, service levels, quality, and organisational capabilities.

Experience demonstrates that saving time in process intensive areas not only reduces costs directly but also reduces opportunities for defects. The outcome … costs go down, quality goes up and so the value created for all stakeholders is increased.


Examples of Our Capabilities

  • Programme and Project Management

  • Partnership Development

Programme and Project Management

Our approach has supported the delivery of over £2 billion worth of civil engineering projects plus many additional internal change and development programmes and projects.

Programme and Project Management is the high level activity of creating conditions for success through the clarification of priorities, securing necessary resources and driving teams forward according to a high level plan that is regularly and systematically reviewed along with the management of risk and opportunities.

As a first step, the strategic context is established for the project and supporting teams including partners and suppliers, drawing on elements from the Strategy Formulation Process. A shared clarity and commitment to a strategic context is a known critical success factor for high performing teams whilst other organisations and projects typically realise only about 60% of their strategies potential. Working towards a shared purpose and understanding how to contribute to its success is regularly shown to be the number one motivator for staff in research studies.

A highly rigorous approach to performance management and continuous improvement using elements of the Performance Management Process is then established early in the project, underpinning the delivery of an effective and efficient work environment in which people and partners at all levels know who is doing what, when and how. A rigorous approach to performance management is a known critical success factor for high performing teams whilst others typically achieve just over 50% of what they set out to do on a day-to-day basis.

A significant emphasis from the start of project operations is placed on people development to create highly effective working relationships, backed up with coaching and development in a range of practical tools and techniques aimed at developing powerful new skills, attitudes and behaviours. A relentless attention to relationships is a known critical success factor for high performing teams whilst for others when major issues affect performance, over 80% are caused by a problem in relationships.

Through this approach a wide range of staff experience the benefits of working in a high performance environment supported by best practice tools and techniques, enabling the transfer of new skills, attitudes and behaviours to subsequent projects, helping to build a repeatable capability between projects and over time.

Partnership Development

Performance leading organisations recognise that a systematic approach to partner relationship management is as important as customer relationship management. Partnership Development is all about championing the partner relationship to amplify the organisations capabilities for mutual benefit.

Like CRM and customers, contact with Partners happens throughout the value chain from strategic planning through product and market development including work winning, and on into operations and customer service. It is a critical capability of performance leading organisation who orchestrate these multiple and complex relationships for maximum effect.

All the same people, process and technology approaches used to manage and lead the internal teams of an organisation are necessary for managing and leading external ‘partner’ teams. Unfortunately, this level of commitment to external relationships often falls short of the necessary standards required to fully exploit the valuable skills, knowledge and expertise brought by strategic partners.

Outside help is often engaged to ‘sort out’ a failing Partner when in fact it is discovered that the root cause of the slow deterioration in relationships is due to a lack of regular and systematic involvement between parties on the fundamentals of management and leadership. It is rarely the cause of a ‘content’ issue such as the quality of a service or lack of technical expertise. Fortunately, this is something that is relatively easy remedied once both parties develop a shared understanding of the strategic priorities and jointly develop effective ongoing performance and change management.

Our Testimonials

We were impressed that you managed to get nearly 100% attendance at the review meetings although certain findings have not sat well with some of our senior managers. This feels like a really good opportunity to kick-start our efforts.

Group Head Change Management, Diverse Business serving a number of Public Sector Organisations

In hours we accomplished what normally takes weeks of meetings. We developed a clearer vision about what our project was to achieve and this was more widely shared than normal.

Commercial Director Civil Engineering, International Engineering and Construction Group

This initially inflicted a lot of pain on the business as we literally shut down whole sales teams to focus our efforts on the strategic priorities. Time has proven our severe decisions to be the right ones and now we can all look forward to a more stable future together.

Managing Director, Division within the large International Group

We had already set ourselves the stretch goal of achieving a top place in the J D Power survey. We had to do many things including process development work to achieve our goals, much of it to do with cultural changes. I’m very grateful for the experience TRIMENTIS has brought to us.

Customer Services Director , Global Wireless Carrier

I would like to thank you for helping during what has been a very stressful time. Having returned from short term leave as thoughtfully advised by yourselves, I am now back on top of the job and making good progress.

Divisional Head, International Business

We have worked together for about 2.5 years on a variety of assignments ranging from interim management, process management, team development through to work on the overall strategy and operational planning process. I am delighted to recommend them to you.

Customer Services Director, National Wireless Carrier

I was very sceptical when we started out on this work, trying to bring together functions that had been pulling in different directions for so long. I think we were all surprised in the end to see just how powerful it is to get people together on a regular basis to simply talk about the priorities.

Head of Product Management , Global Technology Company

Some of us had been focused on IT as the solution to our knowledge management requirements. However, it became clear that we were missing the people dimension in our thinking and I believe we now have a good chance to bring everyone together on one way forward for a change.

Head Knowledge Management, UK based International Group

The immediate benefit of implementing the platform has been in helping us to rapidly gain visibility and control of a critical business programme enabling us to deliver on time and in budget, and ultimately to create value for our client.

Operations Director, European Telecomms Operator

Find out more about how we turn Priorities into Results …

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Learn more about our expertise in the rigorous use of management and leadership best practice, and how we help get the most out of an organisations processes, people and knowledge through our systematic, results oriented approach called Performance Leadership.

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Client Success Stories

Learn how we have worked with clients to achieve significant results through our client success stories. Each client success story illustrates how we have helped define client priorities, what approach the team took and the results the client achieved … turning priorities into results.

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Start using Performance Leadership

To start using performance leadership across your organisation today get in touch with us through our Contact page. TRIMENTIS has been working with clients for nearly two decades across a range of sectors and we have supported over £9 billion worth of major infrastructure projects.

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